Projects and practice
Artists will consider the local landscape, both pastoral and industrial, along with other themes including portraiture, the figure and still life, as their inspiration for developing their drawing and painting.
We will develop skills around composition and test out a range of approaches, thinking about how we might depict, for example, the landscape and use the shapes and marks we find in nature to inform our approach as we work towards developing our own visual language.
We will also look at a range of artists and their approaches to help inform our own work. We have a dedicated website (VLE) for artists on the course where there are reminders of weekly projects and useful links to artists we have referenced during the classes as well as information on gallery visits and other info.
See the home page for available workshops

Projects and practice
Artists will consider the local landscape and a range of subject matter as inspiration for developing their projects.
In this autumn term we will develop linocut and printing skills as well as thinking about composition and different approaches to mark making and ways to add colour.
We will also look at a range of artists and their approaches to help inform our own work. We have a dedicated website (VLE) for artists on the course where there are reminders of weekly projects and useful links to artists we have referenced during the classes as well as information on gallery visits and other info.
Multi-block registration
We will start by building knowledge around printing and will work towards developing the skills for registering several colours using multi-blocks. We will use a registration block and our specialist printing press for printing up to A3.
Chine-collé is another way of introducing colour into a print using thin layers of tissue paper as a specialist technique.
Digital chine-collé
You will also have the opportunity to learn a few skills in Photoshop or/and Procreate allow you to produce digital chine-collé prints from your original linocut block. The digital skills you learn will also support your experimentation with composition and colour.
All materials are supplied and most are included in the cost of the course. If a student wants to produce larger work with multiple lino blocks there will be some extra cost. I buy all materials at wholesale prices and simply pass these low cost on to the artist. So any additional costs will be kept to a minimum.